We’ve been trained to care so much about the calories we consume but overlook about the foods that we consume can actually have a great impact on our hormones and inflammation that can lead to numerous health conditions, one of them being PCOD.

And that’s why we work with our clients reaching the root cause of the problem to give you sustainable health. Our focus will be to help you reverse PCOD naturally without any medications by making you achieve healthier balanced hormones.

Achieving hormonal balance is not limited to nutrition. The entire program covers overall lifestyle change by helping you improve sleep, manage stress, and monitor your daily movements to get your body into the circadian rhythm of the universe.

Key highlights of our programme include:

~ Learn how to balance your hormones to manage PCOD.

~ Learn how to eat intuitively to fuel your body without stressing 24 hours about calorie counting or measuring food.

~ Get nutrient-packed meal plans & recipes tailored just for PCOS.

~ Get anti-inflammatory & low glycemic index recipes.

~ Lose up to 3-5kgs per month.

~ budget-friendly grocery list provided to take the stress out.

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