Detox Program

When we hear the word DETOX first thing that pops up in our mind is a juice fast or water diets, but no, this program is not a diet to lose weight quickly rather it’s to kickstart your fitness journey healthily with high fibrous balanced meals. Think of this program as a vacation to replenish your health and bounce back better than ever.

Reasons to choose:

• To get rid of extra toxins & chemicals in your body.

• Lose excessive water weight up to 5-10 lbs (2-4.5 kgs).

• Get clearer skin & boost energy.

• To kickstart a healthier lifestyle after long bad eating habits.

• Better digestion with less bloating.

• To restore weak immune systems.

What all will be included:

• Learn how to clean your body in just 21 days.

• Personally customised plans tailored according to your needs.

• Special budget-friendly detox grocery list would be given.

• Amazing detox recipes would be given.

• Loose up to 2-4.5 kgs in just 21 days.

• Learn how to kickstart any diet after a long binge eating session.

• List of what foods to avoid & what to incorporate would be given at the end of the program to help you sustain the results.

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